What is an OpenCV..??

is a library of Computer Vision which offers high relevance to Artificial Intelligence and machine learning enabling object detection, video analysis, image processing, camera calibration and many more. Acquiring in-depth knowledge of computer vision, allows you to resolve system and device issues which also involves sensor detection. It empowers you to detect and extract a world of data about environments employing a simple camera. The real-world applications of Open CV training includes self-driven cars, industrial automation, and robots.

Brillica Services and its team of experienced and certified instructors walk the extra mile and stimulate the knowledge craving for the OpenCV essentials which includes image processing, computing histogram, image processing, and how to compute the histogram, pre-processing video inputs and many more. Our all-inclusive OpenCV project based internship training course helps everyone gain proficiency in tracking image and objects, writing threshold programs in python, develop object tracking and document control applications and so on.


Brillica Services provides the best project based internship training program in Dehradun, Uttarakhand and Delhi.


We, at Brillica Services, help everyone to achieve the highest level of efficiency in rendering the realistic OpenCV capabilities with our out-of-the-box OpenCV training courses available in diverse training modes and flexible schedules.

OpenCV is a wide range of open-source library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing and now it plays a major role in real-time operation which is very important in today's systems. By using it, one can process images and videos which helps in identifying objects, faces, or even the handwriting of a human being.

OpenCV-Python may be a library of Python bindings designed to unravel computer vision    problems. cv2. imread() method which loads a picture from the required file. If the image isn't readable (because of the missing file, improper permissions, unsupported or invalid format) then this method returns an empty matrix within the result.


Follow for more: https://www.brillicaservices.com/#

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